Back by popular demand, we’ll be hosting an evening of peer networking and learning from our industry experts about the issues and opportunities facing treasury today. Join us at the Michelin-starred restaurant, DANIEL for a one-of-a-kind culinary experience with New York’s longest-reigning, four-star celebrity chef, Daniel Boulud.
The ICD Roadshow is approved for 1.2 CTP and FP&A recertification credits.
We’re Sold Out!
For any questions, please contact Kerstin.Steiger@icdportal.com.
60 E 65th St, New York, NY 10065
5:30pm: Networking reception
6:30pm: Dinner, presentation and panel discussion

This event is by invitation only for ICD, event co-sponsors, ICD clients and prospective clients. Space is limited.
Approved for up to 1.2 CTP recertification credits by the Association for Financial Professionals at the rate of one credit for each 50 minutes of attendance.

Co-sponsors are not affiliated with ICD.