Analyze short to long
Get the big picture of all your positions, across your entire portfolio, to see exposures and dig deeper.
Analyze short to long
Get the big picture of all your positions, across your entire portfolio, to see exposures and dig deeper.
Portfolio Positions Analysis
Start with the summary view of all your positions, in different currencies and asset classes, aggregated from disparate reporting sources, such as banks, custodians, treasury management systems, asset managers, accounting providers and investment portals.
Portfolio Positions Analysis
Start with the summary view of all your positions, in different currencies and asset classes, aggregated from disparate reporting sources, such as banks, custodians, treasury management systems, asset managers, accounting providers and investment portals.
Drill down for deeper analysis
Understand details behind the summary to report exposures and make proactive investment decisions. Analyze counterparty exposure, ratings distribution, maturity distribution, security type exposure, geographic exposure and fund exposure.
Drill down for deeper analysis
Understand details behind the summary to report exposures and make proactive investment decisions. Analyze counterparty exposure, ratings distribution, maturity distribution, security type exposure, geographic exposure and fund exposure.
Apply Third-Party Data
ICD Portfolio Analytics automatically maps third-party data on ratings, CDS spreads, equity prices, and more, as well as data on underlying fund holdings from ICD Portal. You’ll get a complete analysis of your investment positions, leading indicator metrics and ratings data.
LEARN MOREApply Third-Party Data
ICD Portfolio Analytics automatically maps third-party data on ratings, CDS spreads, equity prices, and more, as well as data on underlying fund holdings from ICD Portal. You’ll get a complete analysis of your investment positions, leading indicator metrics and ratings data.